Put the array into SESSION scope.  It will be available at any point during
the user's session.

<cflock name="#SESSION.SessionID#" timeout="10">
        <cfset SESSION.Shipping_Cost_Array = Shipping_Cost_Array>


At 10:41 AM 4/20/2000 -0500, Larry Juncker wrote:
>I have created the shipping methods for line items in Able Commerce Builder
>and am trying to carry my array over to my next page.  Any ideas on what I
>need to do?
><CFIF Company.ShipClass is not "c">   <!--- Lookup the shipping method and
>setup the shippingtemp table --->
>        <CFIF  #cgi.REMOTE_ADDR# EQ ""
>               OR #cgi.REMOTE_ADDR# EQ "">
>                       <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="#Root#/basket/_LIMethod.cfm">
>               <CFELSE>
>                       <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="#Root#/basket/_method.cfm">
>       </CFIF>
>When I come back from this Include, I can still see the array by telling it
>to <CFOUTPUT>#Shipping_Cost_Array[1][1] for instance.  However when I go to
>the next template.  It tells me the folowing error:
>Error resolving parameter SHIPPING_COST_ARRAY
>ColdFusion was unable to determine the value of the parameter. This problem
>is very likely due to the fact that either:
>You have misspelled the parameter name, or
>You have not specified a QUERY attribute for a CFOUTPUT, CFMAIL, or CFTABLE
>The error occurred while evaluating the expression:
>Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
>H   Larry Juncker
> L  Senior Cold Fusion Programmer
>  I Heartland Communications Group
>          Internet Division
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