At 03:36 PM 4/20/00 +0100, Justin MacCarthy wrote:
>Hi guys,
>There is .bas script for homesite that does this. In the code the author...
>does a loop over the .FileConverters collection until he finds  ClassName
>= 'html'
>and then uses the current convertor to convert the file ..
>The script is at :

Thanks Justin.  This sounded perfect, but it still didn't work.  I
converted to CF:

   <CFOBJECT ACTION="Create" NAME="WordApp" CLASS="Word.Application">
   <cfset WordApp.Visible = FALSE>
   <cfloop collection=#wordApp.fileConverters# item="fileConverter">

which gave the following file converters:

  Text with Layout, MS-DOS Text with Layout, WrdPrfctWin, WrdPrfctDOS51, 
  WrdPrfctDOS50, WrdPrfctDat50, WrdPrfctDat, MSWordMac51, MSWordMac5, 
  MSWordMac4, MSWord6VIEExp, MSWord6THAExp, MSWord6RTFExp, MSWord6Exp, 
  MSWordWin2, MSWorksWin4, Recover, Lotus123, MSBiff, MSWordMac, 
  WordPerfect6x, WrdPrfctDos, SPLUS, OUTLOOK, MSPAB

No HTML file converter.  It seems like this really shouldn't be this

Gregory M. Saunders, Ph.D.
Senior Design Architect
Cognitive Arts Corporation (
120 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 1520
Chicago, IL 60606

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