> The following code is only valid ( not producing error) if I have
> <input> tag instead of <cfinput> but i need the cfinput for
> validation.
> Any ppl got any idea?
>    <cfinput type="text" name="permainan" size="25" maxlength="40"
>    <cfif NewRecord IS "No">
>    <cfoutput query="matchDetail">
>    value="#Trim(matchDetail.permainan)#"</cfoutput>
>    </cfif>
>     >

You can't nest a CFIF or a CFOUTPUT tag within a CFINPUT tag. You could
solve this problem by executing the conditional logic before the CFINPUT:

<CFIF NewRecord IS "No">
        <CFSET MyValue = Trim(MatchDetail.Permainan)>
        <CFSET MyValue = "">

<CFINPUT ... VALUE="#MyValue#">

Alternatively, you could use the IIF function in the VALUE parameter of the
CFINPUT to build your conditional logic.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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