Wrapping a custom tag around a string such as

<CF_FindFirstSpace>Here is some dummy text</CF_FindFirstSpace>

always returns

"Here is my text (the position of the first space is 0)"

FindFirstSpace.cfm has this code...

<CFIF ThisTag.ExecutionMode IS "end">
   <CFSET variables.PositionOfFirstSpace = Find(ThisTag.GeneratedContent, "
", 1)>
   <CFSET ThisTag.GeneratedContent = ThisTag.GeneratedContent & " (the
position of the first space is " & variables.PositionOfFirstSpace & ")">

Is there any reason why it can't find the first space in the text that has
been passed to it?  TIA

Aidan Whitehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Netshopper UK Ltd
Advanced Web Solutions & Services

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