> How can I return rows without duplicates defined only by a single column?
> For example, I want to return rows that have no repeats of a certain
> If I use
> Select DISTINCT UserID from Member
> it works -- but I want to return more columns ...
> So when I go
> Select Distinct UserID, UserName from Member
> I don't get the filtering of repeat UserIDs that I need.
> MAke sense? Anyone know the syntax I need??

No it doesn't make sense really. If you have more than one UserName for each
UserID, which I assume you do - otherwise the filtering would still be
working - then if you want a full list of UserNames you're bound to get
repeated UserID's.

If you want a list of all UserID's that only have one UserName you could say

SELECT UserID, count(UserName) FROM Member
HAVING count(UserName) =  0

but I'm not sure that's what you want... is it?

Nick de Voil
De Voil Consulting
Tel      +44 20 8560 4373

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