I have a query full of user data that I need to loop through and submit a
form for each one.

I here's a mock-up of what I currently have:

--- snip ---
<!--- first I get the primary keys for all users involved --->
<cfquery name="qryGetPrimaryKeys" datasource="#datasource#">
    SELECT primary_key FROM table WHERE field = 'stuff'

<cfloop query="qryGetPrimaryKeys">
    <!--- I loop through the primary key query and get the rest of the info
associated with each primary key, one primary key at a time --->
    <cfquery name="qryGetInfoForSingleRecord" datasource="#datasource#">
        SELECT whatever1, whatever2, whatever3 FROM table WHERE primary_key
= '#primary_key#'
    <cfoutput query="qryGetInfoForSingleRecord">
        <!--- I set the info for each primary key to session variables for
ease of portability --->
        <cfset Session.variable1 = '#whatever1#'>
        <cfset Session.variable2 = '#whatever2#'>
        <cfset Session.variable3 = '#whatever3#'>
        ... ... ... ... ...
--- snip ---

This is where I run into my problem.  What I need to do is find a way to
call the code below through each iteration of the loop.

--- snip ---
<body onload="document.frmThisForm.submit()">
    <form name="frmThisForm"
action="https://secure.domain.com/cgi-bin/some.cgi" method="POST">
         <input type="Hidden" name="txtField1" value="#Session.variable1#">
         <input type="Hidden" name="txtField2" value="#Session.variable2#">
         <input type="Hidden" name="txtField3" value="#Session.variable3#">
--- snip ---

The page has a JavaScript blurb that submits the form when the page is
loaded.  How can I keep track of the looping if I am switching pages?  A
hidden frame comes to mind, but how do I target that hidden frame?  Also,
since the second page submits a form that loads a 3rd page that is located
off-site, there will be a serious problems with synchronization, I am sure.
Does anyone have a decent way to do this?  Does anyone even know what I am
on about?  ;)



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