Is user_id an autonumber?  If so you can't reference that field on an

Is userid a string field?  You are inserting text into this field

Is ClientID a numeric? You are inserting a number in this field.

If you sent the DB structure it would be easier to answer the question...


----- Original Message -----
From: Shawn Regan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 4:56 PM
Subject: OT: SQL! i'm losing it

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> I have checked and checked this but I cannot see anything wrong with this
> code:
> <cfquery name="adduser" datasource="#DSN#">
> insert into users
> (user_id,Group,firstname,lastname,Title,email,Password,UserID,ClientID)
> values
> lientID)#)
> </cfquery>
> But I keep getting this error:
> ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation)
> [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO
> statement.
> SQL = "insert into users
> (user_id,Group,firstname,lastname,Title,email,Password,UserID,ClientID)
> values
(2,'External','Shawn','Regan','Webmaster','[EMAIL PROTECTED]','kick','597',2)"
> Anyone see what I am missing?
> Shawn Regan

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