> I really need an example of code here. I learn best that way.

This is untested, so it may need modification before it works.  Use at your
own risk <g>.

1) Returns the dates of the next Saturday and Sunday by finding the date of
the next Saturday and then adding one day to it.
2) If today is a Saturday then the return values are for the NEXT weekend

<!--- get the current day of the week --->
<CFSET intThisDay = DayOfWeek(Now())>
<!--- figure out the offset to next Saturday (day=7) --->
<CFIF intThisDay EQ 7>
    <!--- today is Sat, get next Sat --->
    <CFSET intOffset = 7>
    <CFSET intOffset = 7 - intThisDay>
<!--- get next Saturday's date --->
<CFSET datNextSat = DateAdd("D", intOffset, Now())>
<!--- get the following Sunday --->
<CFSET datNextSun = DateAdd("D", 1, datNextSat)>

This code should automatically deal with the situation where Saturday and
Sunday fall in different months.

Seth Petry-Johnson
Argo Enterprise and Associates

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