I usually see the query coded as:

AND site_date < #date1#
AND site_date > #now()#

Primitive I know, but tried and true :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Deanna L. Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, May 04, 2000 3:10 PM
Subject: OT - IIF function in Access

Hi folks, this is a bit OT, but I thought there might be a better way to do
what's not working in CF anyway, so here it is:

I have the following code:
<cfset week = #now()# - #createtimespan(7, 0, 0, 0)#>
<cfset month = #now()# - #createtimespan(30, 0, 0, 0)#>
<cfset year = #now()# - #createtimespan(365, 0, 0, 0)#>

<cfquery name="pullcount" datasource="#dbvar#">
SELECT  SUM(totalbirds) AS weekbirds,
  site.per_id, person.fname, person.lname
FROM sighting, site, person
WHERE sighting.site_id = site.site_id
AND  site.per_id = person.per_id
AND  site.site_date between #now()# AND #createodbcdate(month)#
GROUP BY site.per_id, person.fname, person.lname

It works fine, but what I want to do is pull the bird counts for the week,
the month and the year. I think I should be able to do it with something
<cfquery name="pullcount" datasource="#dbvar#">
SELECT  IIF(site.site_date between #now()# AND #createodbcdate(month)#,
SUM(totalbirds) AS monthbirds, 0),
  site.per_id, person.fname, person.lname
FROM sighting, site, person
WHERE sighting.site_id = site.site_id
AND  site.per_id = person.per_id
AND  GROUP BY site.per_id, person.fname, person.lname

But, what I get is this lovely error:
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in
query expression 'IIF(site.site_date between #5/4/2000 14:04:35# AND
#4/4/2000#, SUM(totalbirds) AS monthbirds, 0)'.



Deanna Schneider
Interactive Media Developer
UWEX Cooperative Extension Electronic Publishing Group
103 Extension Bldg
432 N. Lake Street
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 265-7923

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