You need to reference form vaiables passed via POST like this:

    Hello #Form.fname# #Form.lname#<br>
    Your email address is :<br>

If you want these to be session variables, you need to set them first:

<cfset Session.fname =  #Form.fname#>
<cfset Session.lname = #Form.lname#>

Only then can you reference the values you are looking for by


----- Original Message -----
From: "Spencer Saunders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "cftalk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 11:12 AM
Subject: session variable blues

| <form action="screen2.cfm" method="POST">
| <input type="Text" name="lname" size="25" value="">:Last Name<br>
| <input type="Text" name="fname" size="25" value="">:First Name<br>
| <input type="Text" name="email" size="25" value="">: Email<br>
| <input type="Text" name="phone" size="25" value="">: Phone Number<br>
| <input type="Text" name="coname" size="25" value="">: Company Name<br>
| <input type="Text" name="title" size="25" value="">: Title<br>
| <input type="Submit" value="next">
| screen2.cfm;
| <cfoutput>
| Hello #session.fname# #session.lname#<br>
| Your email address is :<br>
| </cfoutput>

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