> I need an input form driven from a loop - up to 52 inputs. One
> set of inputs
> is a database driven select box, which needs to call a query to
> populate the
> drop-down.  I'm having trouble with Nesting the <CFOUTPUT>s.  Here's the
> snippet of code that I'm trying to do:
>       <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="52" step="1">
>       <cfquery name="getdupes" datasource="personnel">
>        SELECT *
>        FROM planning_track
>        WHERE week=#createodbcdate(startweek + ((7*(i-1))+ 1))# AND
> person=#person#
>       </cfquery>
>       <cfif getdupes.recordcount is 0>
>       <TR>
>        <td height="40">
>        <cfoutput >
>         Week of #dateformat(startweek + ((7*(i-1))+ 1))#:
>        <input type="hidden" name="week#i#" value=#dateformat(startweek +
> ((7*(i-1))+ 1))#>
>        </td>
>         <TD><select name="task#i#">
>          <option value="">
>          <cfoutput>
>          <option value="#gettasks.task#">#gettasks.task#
>          </cfoutput>
>          </select>
>        </td>
>        <TD><input type="text" name="task#i#"></td>
>       </tr>
>       </cfoutput>
>       </cfif>
>       </cfloop>
>       <tr>
>        <td colspan="2" align="right"><input type="submit"
> value="submit"></td>
> I'm getting this error:
> Invalid tag nesting configuration
> A query driven CFOUTPUT tag is nested inside a CFOUTPUT tag that
> also has a
> QUERY= attribute. This is not allowed. Nesting these tags implies that you
> want to use grouped processing. However, only the top-level tag
> can specify
> the query that drives the processing.
> I don't see any way around nesting these tags the way I have... I need to
> use both the loop and the query for the dropdown.
> What am I doing wrong?

2 points;

1) both of the CFOutput tags are just that - the are not running over a
query, thus they only display once - what are they meant to do?
2) if you want to put several repeating loops inside each other, use
CFLoops, and CFOutput within them.

<CFLoop query="myData">
        <CFLoop query="myOtherData">

is perfectly acceptable. Also, it means that if you want to have loads of
logic, you can turn <CFSetting EnableCFOutputOnly="Yes"> and trim the
whitespace out of the output.

The only way you CAN nest CFOutput tags is by doing the following;
<CFOutput query="myData" group="myColumn">
        New value code
                Repeat while myColumn is the same
but this is useless if you want to have values repeated multiple times for a
completely separate query.

HTH (if a bit wordy <g>)

Philip Arnold
ASP Multimedia Limited
T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133

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