I have a whole lot of people at my client's premises giving me things to
do - which is great because it means I'm not likely to run out of paid
work there for quite a while.  But the volume of jobs is growing to be
unmanageable.  And the client's employees are losing track of what
commitments as to completion date etc I've made.  So I want to make a
little database application they can access to see what I'm working on and
where I'm up to with it, and therefore how long it's likely to take before
a new job they give me might be completed.

I'm now specifying the database and functionality of this little app, and
I'd appreciate input from you much more experienced people as to what I
ought to have in this database (other than the obvious that is).  I don't
want to make it huge and unweildy and unduly complex, but at the same time
I want to be sure to use it for as much as I can efficiently do.

Here's what I have included in my spec up to now, and I'd appreciate any
suggestions as to what I might have forgotten ....

Job details -  Job ID, Job Name, Description of the work etc
Date requested and by whom, and who authorised the expense
Expected date for completion (to change as circumstances change)
Original date for completion (i.e. the original commitment)
Current status - where I'm up to and what I'm waiting for (if anything)
Estimated total hours to complete the job (and by implication the cost of
the job)

After completion - 
 actual dates, times, costs compared with estimated to be entered.

Have I left anything out that's important?

It's not intended to link it directly with my accounting system which is a
simple standalone program.

I'll make it available to others afterwards if you think it's worthwhile.

Mike Kear
AFP Web Development
Windsor, NSW, Australia 

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