Okay, giving cookies a shot.

I don't really see all that much explaination in Forta's book on cookies.
Anyhow, do I need to set multiple cookies if I want to to remember
multiple variables?

Or wait.. shouldn't I just set a cookie to remember a Username and then
use session variables to get the other info from the database?  And then
if I dont want a page to be viewed without the person having a cookie
present, just check for a cookie in the begining of each page?

For instance,

After all the user/pass checking, loginaction.cfm will contain:

<cfcookie name="Username" value="#Session.Username#" expires="14">
<cflocation url="start.cfm">

Then in start.cfm have the following:

<cfif IsDefined("cookie.Username")>
       <cfif cookie.Username IS 0>
                <cflocation url="login.cfm?error=1">

Would that work? Or am I doing this all wrong?  I wouldn't doubt it =)



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