I am putting a 2-D array into an xml packet, storing that packet in a
memo field in a access 2000 database, and then reading it
back out. Everything works fine untill the reading back out part. I get
the following error:
XML parsing error: no element found (error code 3, line 1, column 0,
buffer offset -1)
Now I know there is an element because I can see stuff in that field in
the database. I think the error could be because I have
some really wierd characters here is an example of what the xml looks
like into the database: (see below). Keep in mind I have
to work within CF version 4.01 so don't give me solutions that I need
4.51 for. Thanks

<!-------this snippets from the part where  I get it out of the
<cfquery datasource="#cfdatasource#" name="allpers">
 select search1 from personals

<!----this line throws the cferror---->
<cfwddx action="WDDX2CFML" input="#allpers.search1#"

 <!----this is what it looks like in the database----------->

 <wddxPacket version='0.9'><header></header><data>
 <array length='17'><array length='2'>
 <string> like '%'</string></array><array length='2'>
 <string>eyecolor</string><string>like '%'</string>
 </array><array length='2'><string>heightinch</string>
 <string>like '%'</string></array><arraylength='2'>
 <string>maritalstatus</string><string>like '%'</string>
 </array><array length='2'>
 <string>childrennum</string><string>like '%'</string>
 </array><array length='2'><string>RELIGIOUSOBS</string>
 <string>like '%'</string></array><array length='2'>
 <string>ISRAELLIVE</string><string>like '%'</string>
 </array><array length='2'><string>kosher</string>
 <string>like '%'</string></array><array length='2'>
 <string>education</string><string>like '%'</string>
 </array><array length='2'><string>occupation</string>
 <string>like '%'</string></array><array length='2'>
 <string>smoking</string><string>like '%'</string>
 </array><array length='2'><string>drinking</string>
 <string>like '%'</string></array><array length='2'>
 <string>pets</string><string>like '%'</string></array>
 <array length='2'><string>athletic</string>
 <string>like '%'</string></array><array length='2'>
 <string>gender</string><string>= 'female'</string>
 </array><array length='2'><string>(age</string>
 <string>&gt;1 and age &lt; 121)</string></array>
 <array length='2'><string>not picture</string>
 <string> = 'n/a'</string></array></array></data>

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