
Thanks, it worked like a charm!


Dick Applebaum wrote:

>  This works for me:
>   <CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=RB2000MK.PDF">
>   <CFCONTENT TYPE="application/pdf"
> FILE="d:\itool\sites\sgcpubs\www\mediakits\RB2000MK.PDF">
> At 7:23 PM -0700 5/13/2000, S.E.Fling wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Thanks to the great thread on "CFCONTENT and File Download", I was able to create a 
>download page for 2page.exe, a self-extracting winzip file (contains 12 Microsoft 
>word documents).
> >However, when the "Save As.." box comes up, instead of "2page.exe" as the file 
>name, the dialog box defaults to the name of the CF file being executed (in this case,
> >FileDownload.cfm). I can't figure how to pass it the name of the file being 
>downloaded. If I rename FileDownload.cfm to 2page.exe, I get an error message. Here's 
>the code for
> >FileDownload.cfm:

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