
[Re]Find has an optional 3rd parameter: [Start position].

You can use this to create a loop through the target of the [Re]Find.


For Example:

   <CFSET EOL = chr(13) & chr(10)>
   <CFSET Transformed =
   "line 1" & EOL &
   "line 2" & EOL &
   "line 3" & EOL &
   "line 4">

   <CFSET LineEndList="">
   <CFSET StartPos = 1>
   <CFSET ThisLineEnd = 1>
   <CFLOOP CONDITION="#ThisLineEnd# NEQ 0">
     <CFSET ThisLineEnd = Find(EOL, Transformed, StartPos)>
     <CFIF ThisLineEnd>
       <CFSET LineEndList = ListAppend(LineEndList, ThisLineEnd)>
       <CFSET StartPos = ThisLineEnd + 1>

   |# Transformed#|<BR>
   This is it...#LineEndList#

>I have a file that I am reading with CFFILE.  The variable of which is =
>The following will give me the position of the first line break.
><cfset firstline =3D #REFind("#chr(13)##chr(10)#", transformed)#>
>How would I find the position of all line breaks if I did not know how =
>many lines a file was going to have?
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