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.cfml? should be .cfm

If you need .cfml then attached is the IIS instructions to add it... 

This can also be used to get ColdFusion to process .html files....that is if
you need that type of thing.

Adam Reynolds
ColdFusion Consultant
HJ Heinz
Tel: 01344 397016  Fax: 01344 397010
Mobile: 07973 386620

> ----------
> From:         Rahul[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:         23 May 2000 14:14
> Subject:      Re: IIS not recognizing .cfml extension
> Have u reinstalled CF server after installing IIS ? If no them pls do it
> so
> that CF server installation will add all ISAPI extentions to IIS. & if u
> want to mannually add it then pls refer to the same document in allaire's
> support site.
> rahul
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Eric Bradburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 6:16 PM
> Subject: IIS not recognizing .cfml extension
> > Hi, All
> >
> > I have encountered an issue with displaying pages with the .cfml setting
> > in IIS. I was able to do it previously with netscape server. I have set
> > the extension type to use the same .dll as .cfm files use but I get a
> > 404 when I type in search.cfml. The odd thing is if I type in
> > search.cfml and I have a file in the directory named search.cfm then it
> > will display. Any help would be appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Eric Bradburn
> >
> >
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Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment;

<html><head><title>Setting Application Mappings</title>

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// Check to see if it is IE 4
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<body bgcolor=3D"#FFFFFF" text=3D"#000000"><font =

<h1><a name=3D"H1_37778069">Setting Application Mappings</a></h1>

<p>You can develop Web applications in a number of programming and =
scripting languages.  Internet Information Server (IIS) uses the file =
name extension of a requested resource on your Web site to determine =
which ISAPI or CGI program to run to process a request.  For example, a =
request for a file ending with the .asp extension causes the Web server =
to call the ASP program (Asp.dll) to process the request.   The =
association of a file extension with an ISAPI or CGI program is called =
<em>application mapping</em>.  IIS is preconfigured to support common =
application mappings.  You can add or remove mappings for all =
applications on a Web site or for individual applications.</p>

<big>To map an extension to an application</big><!--</p>--><br>

<li>In Internet Service Manager, select the Web site or the starting =
point directory of an application.  </li>
<li>Open the directory's property sheets, and then click the =
<strong>Home Directory</strong>, <strong>Virtual Directory</strong>,  =
or  <strong>Directory</strong> tab.</li>
<li>Click the <strong>Configuration</strong> button, and then click the =
<strong>App Mappings</strong> tab.</li>
<li>Click <strong>Add</strong>, and in the <strong>Executable</strong> =
box, type the path to the ISAPI or CGI program that will process the =
file.  You must specify a program in a local directory on the Web =
<li>In the <strong>Extension</strong> box, type the file name extension =
you want associated with the ISAPI or CGI program.  When the Web server =
receives a URL identifying a file with this extension, it calls the =
associated program to process the request.</li>
<li> To allow the processing for files of this type in a directory with =
Script permission, select the <strong>Script Engine</strong> check box. =
  When a directory has Script permission set (instead of Execute =
permission), only files associated with applications that are =
designated script engines can be processed in the directory. </li>

<p class=3D"bigfix">&nbsp;</p>

<big>To remove an application mapping</big>

<table border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0">
<td valign=3D"top"><IMG SRC=3D"../../../common/onestep.gif" =
border=3D"0" alt=3D"bullet"></td>
<td>In the <strong>App Mappings</strong> property sheet, select the =
extension, and then click the <strong>Remove</strong> button.  Requests =
for files with this extension will no longer be processed in this Web =
site or directory.</td>

<hr class=3D"iis" size=3D"1"><p align=3D"center"><em><a =
href=3D"../../../common/colegal.htm">&copy; 1997 by Microsoft =
Corporation. All rights reserved.</a></em></p>

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