Well I have been meaning to put together my site customization scheme. I've 
been pretty dumb here, I can't seem to grab onto a model that I am happy 
with. I make it too complex, and then too simple .... grrrrrr ....

Site customization. I am letting myself get confused between security 
elements and customization elements. Or is there a difference? Sometimes I 
think so, and sometimes I don't. Today, I don't.

You have a "thing" and you have multiple ways to "view" that thing, and 
attributes within each view that could be customized tailored to individual 

So how do you go about customizing your site?

Someone goes to your site, a session is created. A guest login is made until 
the user initiates the login. (Note: you could store the userID in a cookie, 
and initiate the user login immediately when the user gets to the site.)

The user logs in, and a security profile of the user is saved in session 


the session profile would contain the security groups that the user belongs 
to. ie( sitenameAdministrators, SitenameUsers )

Each "thing" (there would be a database table of "things" that would hold 
permissions granted ??????????) I am a little unclear here, so bear with me 
as I talk it out.

"things" can be directories, templates, applications. database records. etc.

??ThingType (not sure if needed)
Permission (granted, or denied)

hmmmm. don't like something here .... the spidey senses are a tinglin'.

For each thing, the user may be able to view the thing with no or multiple 
views. So conceptually, a precedence of views, or a method of toggling 
between the views is important to offer the user.

sorry for the rambling.

thing table is better for database records, but not neccessarily .... 

Where do you define the security / presentation for an application?

seee I am making this too damn camplicated. grrrrrrr.

again from the top.
A guy logs in, he has a userid, and belongs to usergroups.

These are the building blocks of a secure personalized application!

Userid, and Group Membership are stored in session variables.

Views are defined in the called cfml template, as well as in the called 

Security can be built into the template or application hardcoded or applied 
using a database system.

joey signs into the site.

login establishes a session and creates a usergroup profile.
session.UserorGroups = {user.joey, group.user, group.StoryEditor}

=== index.cfm ===
<cf_security thingid=345>
   returns list of approved views
   <cf_view admin in Views>
       Global Preference
       FTP King
       User Administration
   <cf_view Editor in Views>
       Add Story
       Edit Story

       Read Stories

 > Subject: Customization

 >      Based on the user's choices, I wan't to display (or not) a
 > table inside the
 > page. How do I achieve this? Thanks.

 >                      Smad

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