whoops I forgot a tag in app_globals....

so app_globals should look like this:

<cfif not isdefined("attributes.fuseaction")>
<cfparam name="content_data" default="">
<cfparam name="attributes.someattribute" default="">

Here is the tag I forgot:

<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes">
<cfif isdefined("cgi.query_string")>
 <cfloop list="#cgi.query_string#" delimiters="&" index="valuepair">
  <cfset URLName = "#ListGetAt(valuepair, 1, "=")#">
   <cfset SetVariable("caller.attributes.#urlname#" ,
<cfif isdefined("form.fieldnames")>
 <cfloop list="#form.fieldnames#" index="field">
   <cfset SetVariable("caller.attributes.#field#" ,
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="no">
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Queen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Cold Fusion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 10:04 PM
Subject: Site Dedsign Question (Try 2)

> All,
> Hello, I am new to the list and to CF.  I have a quick question about CF
> programming techniques.  I have a site where I am using a standard
> navigation and layout (set up using nested tables so that the content is
> always centered). I am using one cell for all of the data (See Code
> Below) and would like to know how short of using a snippit I can insert
> table without typing (I'm Lazy) .  The problem is that the "top" part of
> table and the "bottom" part of the table are static and the contect is
> dynamic.  I do not want to do this:
> <cfinclude template="top_table.cfm">
> <cfinclude template="content.cfm">
> <cfinclude template="bottom_table.cfm">
> So short of hard coding the table in all of the pages, what are my other
> options?
> Code Listing to follow.
> Thank You,
> Kevin Queen
> IBM Learner Support
> 1500 Riveredge Pkwy, 19E04
> Atlanta, Georgia 30328
> (770)644-5050 or t/l 237-5050
> I have not lost my mind, it is backed up on CD somewhere.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Current Code:
> <!-- Begin the Main Table (3x1) -->
> <TABLE cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" cols="3" align="center" border="0"
> name="Main_Table">
>  <TR>
>   <TD width="50%"><!-- Spacer Cell -->
>   </TD>
>   <TD>
>   <!-- Begin the Content Table (2x4) -->
>    <TABLE cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" cols="2" align="center"
> name="Content_Table">
>     <TR>
>      <TD colspan="2">
>      <!-- Main Title Bar -->
>      <IMG name="Title_Bar" src="images/Main_Banner.gif" width="610"
> height="90" alt="Welcome to Tau Kappa Epsilon" border="0">
>      <!-- End Main Title Bar -->
>      </TD>
>     </TR>
>     <TR>
>      <TD><IMG name="ID" src="images/ID_Box.gif" width="110" height="30"
> alt="" border="0">
>      <!-- Spacer Cell -->
>      </TD>
>      <TD>
>      <!-- "Tree" Navigational Bar -->
>      <IMG name="Tree" src="images/Tree_Bar.gif" width="500" height="30"
> alt="" border="0">
>      <!-- End "Tree" Navigational Bar -->
>      </TD>
>     </TR>
>     <TR>
>      <TD rowspan="3">
>      <!-- Navigation Images Table Start -->
>       <TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100">
>        <TR>
>        <!-- Spacer Images -->
>         <TD><IMG src="images/Navigation_Bar/shim.gif" width="100"
> border="0"></TD>
>         <TD><IMG src="images/Navigation_Bar/shim.gif" width="1" height="1"
> border="0"></TD>
>        <!-- End Spacer Images -->
>        </TR>
>        <TR valign="top">
>        <!-- Home Button -->
>         <TD><IMG name="btnHome" usemap="#Home"
> src="images/Navigation_Bar/Navigation_Bar_r01_c1.gif" width="100"
> height="45" border="0"></TD>
>         <TD><IMG src="images/Navigation_Bar/shim.gif" width="1"
> border="0"></TD>
>        <!-- End Home Button -->
>        </TR>
>        <TR valign="top">
>        <!-- Information Button -->
>         <TD><IMG name="btnInformation" usemap="#Information"
> src="images/Navigation_Bar/Navigation_Bar_r02_c1.gif" width="100"
> height="35" border="0"></TD>
>         <TD><IMG src="images/Navigation_Bar/shim.gif" width="1"
> border="0"></TD>
>        <!-- End Information Button -->
>        </TR>
>        <TR valign="top">
>        <!-- Directions Button -->
>         <TD><IMG usemap="#Directions" name="btnDirections"
> src="images/Navigation_Bar/Navigation_Bar_r03_c1.gif" width="100"
> height="35" border="0"></TD>
>         <TD><IMG src="images/Navigation_Bar/shim.gif" width="1"
> border="0"></TD>
>        <!-- End Directions Button -->
>        </TR>
>        <TR valign="top">
>        <!-- Scrapbook Button -->
>         <TD><IMG usemap="#Scrapbook" name="btnScrapbook"
> src="images/Navigation_Bar/Navigation_Bar_r04_c1.gif" width="100"
> height="35" border="0"></TD>
>         <TD><IMG src="images/Navigation_Bar/shim.gif" width="1"
> border="0"></TD>
>        <!-- End Scrapbook Button -->
>        </TR>
>        <TR valign="top">
>        <!-- Find Information Button -->
>         <TD><IMG usemap="#Find" name="btnFind"
> src="images/Navigation_Bar/Navigation_Bar_r05_c1.gif" width="100"
> height="35" border="0"></TD>
>         <TD><IMG src="images/Navigation_Bar/shim.gif" width="1"
> border="0"></TD>
>        <!-- End Information Button -->
>        </TR>
>        <TR valign="top">
>        <!-- Restricted Button -->
>         <TD><IMG usemap="#Restricted" name="btnRestricted"
> src="images/Navigation_Bar/Navigation_Bar_r06_c1.gif" width="100"
> height="35" border="0"><TD>
>         <TD><IMG src="images/Navigation_Bar/shim.gif" width="1"
> border="0"></TD>
>        <!-- End Restricted Button -->
>        </TR>
>        <TR valign="top">
>        <!-- VFM Button -->
>         <TD><IMG usemap="#VFM" name="btnVFM"
> src="images/Navigation_Bar/Navigation_Bar_r07_c1.gif" width="100"
> height="35" border="0"></TD>
>         <TD><IMG src="images/Navigation_Bar/shim.gif" width="1"
> border="0"></TD>
>        <!-- End VFM Button -->
>        </TR>
>        <TR valign="top">
>        <!-- Contact Button -->
>         <TD><IMG usemap="#Contact" name="btnContact"
> src="images/Navigation_Bar/Navigation_Bar_r08_c1.gif" width="100"
> height="35" border="0"></TD>
>         <TD><IMG src="images/Navigation_Bar/shim.gif" width="1"
> border="0"></TD>
>        <!-- End Contact Button -->
>        </TR>
>        <TR valign="top">
>        <!-- Search Button -->
>         <TD><IMG usemap="#Search" name="btnSearch"
> src="images/Navigation_Bar/Navigation_Bar_r09_c1.gif" width="100"
> height="35" border="0"></TD>
>         <TD><IMG src="images/Navigation_Bar/shim.gif" width="1"
> border="0"></TD>
>        <!-- End Search Button -->
>        </TR>
>        <TR valign="top">
>        <!-- Empty Space -->
>         <TD><IMG name="Navigation_Bar_r10_c1"
> src="images/Navigation_Bar/Navigation_Bar_r10_c1.gif" width="100"
> height="225" border="0"></TD>
>         <TD><IMG src="images/Navigation_Bar/shim.gif" width="1"
> border="0"></TD>
>        <!-- End Empty Space -->
>        </TR>
>       </TABLE>
>       <!-- End Navigation Images Table -->
>      </TD>
>     </TR>
>     <TR>
>      <TD valign="top">
> **********************   CONTENT GOES HERE    ********************
>      </TD>
>     </TR>
>     <TR>
>      <TD>
>      <!-- Spacer Cell-->
>      </TD>
>      <TD>
>      <!-- Spacer Cell-->
>      </TD>
>     </TR>
>     <TR>
>      <TD>
>      <!-- Spacer Cell -->
>      </TD>
>      <TD><!-- Copyright Bar -->
>      <IMG src="images/Copyright_Bar.gif" width="500" height="30" alt=""
> border="0"><!-- End Copyright Bar -->
>      </TD>
>     </TR>
>    </TABLE>
>    <!-- End Content Table -->
>   </TD>
>   <TD width="50%">
>   <!-- Spacer Cell -->
>   </TD>
>  </TR>
> </TABLE>
> <!-- End Main Table -->
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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