Hi All,

I am building a real-estate DB and I have stumbled over an interesting

In this case I use the following fields in Access DB (tenants)

Property_ID             -integer (related to an ID in Properties table)
Name                    -Text,
sq_ft                   -integer
rate                    -currency
lease_start             -date,
term                    -integer (months)

At some point I want to output a partial list of tenants:

<cfquery name="gettenants" datasource="xyz">
  FROM tenants
  WHERE Property_ID=#Form.ID#
 <!--- where form.id is a ID of a property I list tenants for --->

Based on existing data, I want to sort those tenants so that those with
closest expiration dates are listed first.

I thought of using a structure (name, CalculatedExpirationDate), but then I
will still need to output other fields from the query, like rate and sq_ft.

Is there any other way? Can such sorting be done within <cfquery> tag?


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