You may also want to try the DBCC CHECKIDENT (tablename) just to make sure 
there aren't any problems with Identity columns if you are using them.

At 22:49 29/05/00 -0400, you wrote:
> > Can anyone tell me what may be causing the following error on
> > NT4, SP5, CF4.01 & SQL7.0 SP2, MDAC 2.5 installed on web server.
> > Everything was working fine for the past month or so then this
> > just started to appear today and no changes have been made.
> > Here is thew error message
> >
> > ODBC Error Code = S1000 (General error)
> >
> >
> > [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Warning: Fatal
> > error 823 occurred at May 29 2000 10:36AM
>Yikes! You might want to get that looked at. Here's the description of the
>error message from SQL 7 Books Online, followed by a description of the
>severity level:
>"Error 823
>Severity Level 24
>Message Text
>I/O error %ls detected during %S_MSG of %S_BUF.
>Microsoft® SQL Server™ encountered an I/O error on a read or write request
>made to a device. This error usually indicates disk problems. The parameters
>in the error message refer to internal structures and don’t often help
>determine which device is involved. However, additional kernel messages in
>the error log, recorded before error 823, should indicate which device is
>Check the accessibility and condition of the device in question. After you
>have identified and corrected the problem, execute DBCC CHECKDB to ensure
>that no other damage was caused by the bad device. For information about
>Important If executing DBCC CHECKDB with one of the repair clauses does not
>correct the index problem or if you are unsure what effect DBCC CHECKDB with
>a repair clause has on your data, contact your primary support provider.
>In addition, run hardware diagnostics and correct any problems."
>"Severity Level 24: Hardware Error
>These messages indicate some type of media failure. The system administrator
>might have to reload the database. It might also be necessary to call your
>hardware vendor."
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>voice: (202) 797-5496
>fax: (202) 797-5444
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