I'm relatively new to oracle. I've looked at the oracle site and not been
able to figure this out. Help anyone? The oracle site says that the error
usually means a column name was used in the "values" section of an insert
query, but none of those values are also column names...

Oracle Error Code = 984

ORA-00984: column not allowed here

SQL = "INSERT INTO coopep.coopwebnews(articleid, headline, fulltext,
linkpage, imagename, publishdate, archivedate, sortorder) VALUES (4, 'Test
Insert Article',
lsakjfdlaskjfdlskajfdThisistheend.', '', '', 04-Apr-2000, 10-Oct-2000, 3)"

Data Source = "d815a"

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFQUERY), occupying document position (17:1) to (17:91).

Deanna Schneider
Interactive Media Developer
UWEX Cooperative Extension Electronic Publishing Group
103 Extension Bldg
432 N. Lake Street
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 265-7923

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