Then they are not only biased but also falsely advertising. It should be 
"News for open source nerds and stuff that matters only to a biased segment of the 
computer world"

> .. slashdot, biased?
> Uhhh... no offense Michael, but duh!
> The denizens of slashdot could care less about cold fusion -- and if they
> think about it at all, it's probably with disdain. The majority of them are
> either linux sysadmins and/or programmers of free & open source software.
> That's their Thing.
> Cold Fusion is neither free nor open source... and while the community has
> made some big strides towards creating open source libraries for programmers
> with awesome sites like, etc... it's still nothing compared to
> what one finds in the world of, say, PHP or Perl.
> It's also worth remembering that the folks on Slashdot are pretty seriously
> skewed towards the computer science end of the programming world. Those
> folks, for better or not, are the uber geeks. Cold fusion, while there are
> things I love about it, has a reputation as kind of a "toy" language for
> graphic designers. (Now, we could get into a long debate as to whether that
> reputation is deserved or not... but anyway...)
> The only time I can think of them covering Macromedia at all was when they
> were sued and counter-sued by Adobe... and that was an intellectual property
> thing.
> My point here (and there is one) is that you should give up courting
> Slashdot and shouldn't be disappointed if they don't cover issues of
> interest specifically to the CF community. It's just not on their radar.
> They don't cover ASP, either, for what it's worth.
> -- jon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2002 1:42 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: (OT) Slashdot bais
> is one of those sites that many of us go to in our daily review
> of internet information. Their only problem is that they are quite
> anti-ColdFusion. I've sent them numerous articles on language issues,
> releases, you name it and not one has ever been posted.
> They also never list ColdFusion as a language when doing any report or
> survey
> and their bias has become reflected in the views of their readers.
> A perfect example is this thread:
> No where is ColdFusion mentioned even though there are many more CF sites
> for
> developers than there are for PHP (for example). What I'd like for you to do
> is get on this thread and post to it. Complain, explain and do what you can
> to
> get the good name of CF out there.
> On the other hand, this site does list ColdFusion and I feel is an excelent
> site for people who want to see a feature of some languages side by side.
> Just check out the asp example for a perfect reason as to why we use CF. :)
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