> Since lovely M$ Sql does not have a select last_day function like oracle I
> was wondering if anyone had written a script that will take the month
> number and return either the number of days or the last day of that month?

Is there a particular reason it needs to be in the db? ...

declare @mydate smalldatetime;
set @mydate = getdate();
select DateAdd(dd,-(1 + datepart(dd,@mydate)),DateAdd(mm,1,@mydate));

should do it... What you're doing is adding a month to the current date,
then subtracting the datepart plus one which will give you the last day of
the month for @mydate...

If you have SQL 2000 I recommend creating a userdefined function
dbo.LastDayOfMonth(@mydate smalldatetime); and possibly
dbo.DaysInMonth(@mydate smalldatetime); which will return
DatePart(dd,dbo.LastDayOfMonth(@mydate)); ...

You can't use GETDATE() within a UDF in SQL ( don't ask me why. :) so if you
need it for the current date, you'll have to use dbo.DaysInMonth(GETDATE());


Isaac Dealey
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