Ok I got it to work, for anyone who is paying attention to this thread, here
is the correct spacing, minus the line breaks. So what exactly does this do,
where does the compiled version go? Is this good even through a reboot,
where can I find more info on this?

set NEO_INSTALL=c:\cfusionMX
set PATH=%NEO_INSTALL%\runtime\bin;%PATH%
java -classpath %NEO_INSTALL%\lib\cfusion.jar coldfusion.tools.Compiler
-webroot %NEO_INSTALL%\wwwroot %*

Robert Everland III
Web Developer Extraordinaire
Dixon Ticonderoga Company

-----Original Message-----
From: Stacy Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 9:14 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFMX CFM/JSP/Servlets/Beans Compile?

Try this:

To precompile CF templates:

Save the code below as MXCompile.bat in C:\

set NEO_INSTALL=c: \cfusionMX
set PATH=%NEO_INSTALL% \runtime\bin;%PATH%
java -classpath %NEO_INSTALL%\lib\cfusion .jar
coldfusion .tools.Compiler -webroot
%NEO_INSTALL%\wwwroot %*

Run with this, pointing to a directory:

C:\> MXcompile.bat c:\cfusionMX \wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:23 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFMX CFM/JSP/Servlets/Beans Compile?

Thanks, but it looks like the code is using CFHTTP to run the pages.. i was
looking to run some command line code using a *.bat file or some. something

<cfexecute name="C:\Compile\*.bat"
outputFile = "F:\Temp\output.txt">


-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Scandale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 1:47 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFMX CFM/JSP/Servlets/Beans Compile?

You can find this discussion in a thread responded to by Pete Ruckelshaus:
'CFMX Spidering for cache' on June 18th... I think it is cfml code that
spiders some directories and compiles what it finds.

It seems like this is something that should be built into the start
procedures for CFMX... perhaps throttled down 50% to allow users to still
hit the site.

At 08:51 PM 7/22/02, you wrote:
>Yes there is, and it was posted to this list a while back. I can not 
>find the message though. Try searching the archives.
>Monday, July 22, 2002, 8:48:05 PM, you wrote:
>JE> Sorry for the Re-Post.. but does anybody have any ideas? Hi All,
>JE>         I was wondering if there is a Command/Utility to compile
JSP/CFM pages
>JE>         in CFMX.. like a comand line utility rather than having to 
>JE>         the pages. How are Java Beans/Servlets compiled in CFMX?
>JE>         Do you have use TOMCAT/JRUN? or just put the
Beans/Servlets(classes) in
>JE>         the WEB-INF\cfclasses directory?

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