And, if you really want to get slick:

Ooohyah.. purrrrrrty...


At 03:50 PM 7/23/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Speaking only about line graphs and charts... my experience has shown:
>CF5 does NOT have charting capabilities... the cfgraph tag is nearly 
>useless except in a few very limited instances.
>CFMX has cfchart... an upgrade to cfgraph but it also has some pretty 
>severe limitations on presentation. Cfchart added multiple series in a 
>chart, however it requires some whacky things to get it to work nicely.... 
>(more off list if you care). And then it's ability to provide various line 
>types is missing... and... and...
>Serious charting still requires something outside of coldfusion. Guess not 
>many of us using charting else would be different.
>At 02:06 PM 7/23/02, you wrote:
> >Hello -
> >
> >A client has asked that we provide different types of charts for existing
> >reports in our application.  In your opinion/experience, what is a good
> >chart producing software package compatible with coldfusion? I would like
> >to compile a list of about 3 - 5 software packages. We have a couple ideas
> >that were kicked around but I like to get other points of view before
> >continuing.
> >
> >1) Upgrade to CF 5.0 and use CF graphing capabilities
> >2) Popcharts
> >3) Crystal reports
> >
> >Thanks for your input.
> >Casey Cook
> >
> >
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