I'll try your sample this afternoon on our environment !

-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 10:10 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: NEW (ColdFusion MX or ColdFusion 4.5) and Session Variables (Bug)

Ok Ok...
Tested on 
ColdFusion MX on a Solaris 7 with Apache 1.3.26 Web Server
ColdFusion 4.5 on Windows NT with IIS Web Server

Both when hitting refresh after the page is already running the
session.cartquantity becomes inaccurate at a different rate... if I hit
refresh a short time the error is small if I hit refresh a longer time into
the code the error is greater.  The Loop was put in to simulate the slow
speed of the page while connected to the AS400.

What should I test next??

I am all ears?  well as much as I can be... 

I even put some locks around where I am setting the session variables to

It looks like it is not rerunning the page from the top when I hit refresh.

-------------- Code -------------- 

<cfapplication  name="test" 
                                sessiontimeout="#CreateTimeSpan(0, 3, 0,

<cfif IsDefined( "Cookie.CFID" ) AND IsDefined( "Cookie.CFTOKEN" )>
  <cfset localCFID = Cookie.CFID>
  <cfset localCFTOKEN = Cookie.CFTOKEN>
  <cfcookie name="CFID" value="#localCFID#">
  <cfcookie name="CFTOKEN" value="#localCFTOKEN#">
<cfset request.dsnSQL ="XXX"> 
<cfset request.dsnAS400 ="XXXX">
<cfset session.dealer_id="XXXXX">

  <cflock timeout = "60" scope = "SESSION" type = "Exclusive">
        <cfset session.cartquantity=0>

  <cflock timeout = "60" scope = "SESSION" type = "Exclusive">
        <cfset session.carttotal=0>

<cfoutput>Before Everything:<br>

<cfquery name="qry_checkoutcart" datasource="#request.dsnSQL#">
        SELECT  *
        FROM    OreckDealerCart
        WHERE   OreckDealer_id  = #session.dealer_id#   

<cfquery name="qry_checkoutcart1" datasource="#request.dsnSQL#">
        select sum(quantity)  As CartTotal
        FROM    OreckDealerCart
        WHERE   OreckDealer_id  = #session.dealer_id#   

<cfif qry_checkoutcart.recordcount eq 0>


<cfset counter=0>
<cfoutput>Before Query:<br>

<cfoutput query="qry_checkoutcart">
In Query:

<cfset y=1>
<cfloop index="x" from="1" to="10000">
<cfset y=x*y>

Quantity 1:#quantity# 
<!--- Good To Here --->

<!--- Bad here --->
  <cflock timeout = "60" scope = "SESSION" type = "Exclusive">
<cfset session.cartquantity=#session.cartquantity#+#quantity#>
Session.CartQuantity:#session.cartquantity#  Quantity 2:#quantity#<br><br>


<a href="index.cfm?fuseaction=checkout"><img
src="/oreckdealer/images/icons/dealer_cart.gif" border="0" alt="View
Cart"></a> #session.cartquantity# Items #dollarformat(session.carttotal)#


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stacy Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 8:51 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables (Bug)
> We are and have been using session scope heavily. I can't say 
> I've seen this
> problem yet...will let you know...we're about to QA our first 
> MX project.
> Stace
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 8:56 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables (Bug)
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jon Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 4:19 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: Re: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables
> > 
> > 
> > What about that session.dealer_id?
> Yes when adding Testing Variables the out put stayed the same.
>  Is it staying consistent? What
> > about the actual data? Is there some other query somewhere writing
> > data that is affecting the price and or quantity variables, which I
> > assume are coming from the qry_checkoutcart query, but I'm not sure,
> > because they aren't scoped...hint hint :)
> They are not scoped because there is a AS400 Query and they can not be
> scoped because there is no resultset coming back from the 
> AS400.  Price is
> not coming from qry_checkoutcart but I guess I could go scope 
> quantity.  We
> have tried several drivers with ColdFusion MX on a Solaris 7 
> with Apache
> 1.3.26 Web Server.  When we tried the same thing on the NT it 
> seemed to be
> fine.  We even created a test page outside the application to 
> verify it was
> not linked to any other page.
> Who out there is working on a Solaris 7 with ColdFusion and Apache?
> Testing Code Below
> ====================================================================
> <cfset request.cartquantity=0>
> <cfset request.carttotal=0>
> <cfquery name="qry_checkoutcart" datasource="#request.dsnSQL#">
>       SELECT  *
>       FROM    OreckDealerCart
>       WHERE   OreckDealer_id  = #session.dealer_id#   
> </cfquery>
> <cfif qry_checkoutcart.recordcount eq 0>
> <cfelse>
> <cfset counter=0>
> <cfoutput query="qry_checkoutcart">
> <!--- removed AS400 Query here to get the PRICE --->
>       <cfset price = price*100>
>       <cfset subtotal=#price#*#qry_checkoutcart.quantity#>  
>       <cfset request.carttotal=#request.carttotal#+#subtotal#>
>       <cfset
> request.cartquantity=#request.cartquantity#+#qry_checkoutcart.
> quantity#>
> <!---  
> ======================
>  --->
> #session.dealer_id#<br>
> #session.carttotal#<br>
> #session.cartquantity#<br>
> #price# X #quantity# = #subtotal#<br>
> </cfoutput>
> <cfoutput>
>       <a href="index.cfm?fuseaction=checkout">
>       <img src="/oreckdealer/images/icons/dealer_cart.gif" border="0"
> alt="View Cart">
>       </a> 
> <!---  
>  --->
>       #session.cartquantity# Items 
> #dollarformat(session.carttotal)# Total
> </cfoutput>
> </cfif>
> > 
> > -- 
> >  Jon
> >  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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