Sorry, I was too terse with my question... I'll be a bit more verbose here. 

<cfheader is used to put dynamic info into the <head></head> section of the html 
returned by CF to a browser making a request. I use it all the time to put in 
clientside javascript.

My issue is how to do this to a body tag from deep inside a lot of coldfusion code. I 
am using the FuseBox technique of running all requests through a toplevel index.cfm 
file and having that toplevel cfm routine pass control to sublevels. The toplevel 
index.cfm is what has all the typical opening stuff...  like the opening html tag, the 
head tags, the title tags, etc... it is not until later after the index.cfm has called 
the sub routines, (or fuses in fusedoc terminology) does the code even know that it 
would need a specific entry in the body tag. 

I know cfheader takes care of the <head> tags.... how about the body?

I'm running CFMX now.

Thanks again,

At 01:40 PM 7/26/02, you wrote:
>First, you must set DynamicContentVariable to some value
><cfset DynamicContentVariable="loademup();">
>Then you must output the variable using cold fusion
><body onload="<cfoutput>#DynamicContentVariable#</cfoutput>">
>Finally, it must be saved as a .cfm file (or a file type handled by the Cold Fusion 
>(Hope this is what you were asking)
>Jerry Johnson
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/26/02 04:17PM >>>
>How does one go about putting dynamic content into the body tag?
>you know... perhaps something like:
><body onload="#DynamicContentVariable#">
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