On 800MHZ G4 CFMX i got

  9 KB     27-41
24 KB   708-1347
84 KB   60111-60780

Are you guys running the browser, etc on the same box (I am) or just 
measuring a box running CFMX JRun and a Web Server?

On Tuesday, July 30, 2002, at 02:10 PM, Jochem van Dieten wrote:

> Jochem van Dieten wrote:
>> Could somebody who has CF MX on the same machine as some older version
>> of CF test the script below for me? I find the results a bit disturbing
>> at first sight (but maybe you see something wrong with the code).
> To be absolutely sure I installed CF 5 on the same machine as CF MX is
> running. Next I ran the test with 3 files of different sizes. The files
> are available online [1] for anybody who wants to try this himself, but
> since they are Base64 encoded the actual content shouldn't matter.
> Average over multiple runs (CPU at 100% all the time):
>               CF 5                MX
>   9 KB          40                   50
> 24 KB         240                 3300
> 84 KB        6700               130000
> Apparently size does matter. I'll enter it in the bug form :(
> Jochem
> http://spike.oli.tudelft.nl/jochemd/reg_test/file0.tst
> http://spike.oli.tudelft.nl/jochemd/reg_test/file1.tst
> http://spike.oli.tudelft.nl/jochemd/reg_test/file2.tst
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