
I'm sorry if this appears twice on thelist. But I submitted it the first
time about 13 hours ago and I still don't sdee it. So I'm trying again.

I have a question about where function invocations are legal.

Maybe someone can explain this for me. Here's what prompted my question:

1.) I have a form with a  number of different sets of checkboxes. Thay are
named c1, c2, c3, c4, ... cn

2.) The sets are placed on the form with
        <cfselect name="C#n#" query="G" value="q" required="Yes"
                where #n# is a loop counter.

3.) Note the required="Yes" and multiple attributes in the cfselect. They
guarantee that
there will always be a value for form field C<n> and sometimes that value
will be a
comma-separated list.

4.) When I tried the following, ColdFusion balked on the Evaluate function
in the list attribute:
        <cfloop index="n" from="1" to="#number_of_sets#"
                <cfloop index="this_group" list="Evaluate('FORM.C#n#')">        ...    
...   </cfloop>

5.) But it worked when I used the Evaluate function in a cfset tag and
referred to the variable in the cfloop's list attribute. Thus:

        <cfset xlist = Evaluate('FORM.C#n#')>
        <cfloop index="n" from="1" to="#number_of_sets#"
                <cfloop index="this_group" list="xlist"  ...    ...     ...     

How come? Can I use a function in the list attribute of the cfloop tag? Or
is it the way I coded the Evaluate tag?


  -- Tim Dempsey

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