
Are you going to publish this tag.

I have a client I am developing a 2-tier shopping cart.  Tier 1 will 
accumulate the order  and will post XML directly to the Manufacturer's 
ASP site through Tier 2 (when it is in operation). Tier 1 will process 
the order in a traditional manner if the MFGR site is down (frequent)

I t will be hosted at Crystaltech

The only CyberCash interface they have is thru ASP & the client has to 
Pay extra for ASP along with CF 5 -- I can do the interface, but, I'd 
rather not.

I am thinking of upgrading the client to CFMX so he will match the CFMX 
Developer environment on my Mac.

AFAIK, Crystaltech has Linux CFMX hosting -- Perl is included with 
Linux, correct?

My client is the number one producer for the manufacturer -- and we want 
his site to be faster, easier, more reliable, (and all the other good 
things) than the MFGR site (which has all the bad things).


I have been thinking about upgrading him to CFMX (also available
On Thursday, August 1, 2002, at 02:22 PM, Steve Johnson wrote:

> CFX_CyberCash will likely never be updated to work with CFMX since
> Verisign wants everyone to move to PayFlowPro.  since i'm not ready
> to do that (and since their PayFlowPro tag doesn't work reliably in
> CFMX yet either), i wrote my own custom tag which calls out to their
> Perl MCK using CFEXECUTE and it's working great for me so far on
> RedHat 7.3.  thanks for the advice everyone...
> steve

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