MXDC 02 is the premier one-day event for designers, programmers and Web geeks to learn all about the powerful Macromedia MX Platform including ColdFusion MX, Macromedia Flash MX, Macromedia Fireworks MX, Freehand 10, Flash Communication Server and more.
Join premier sponsors Fig Leaf Software, Macromedia, PaperThin, and New Riders Publishing in this all day event, complete with hands-on sessions throughout the day. Pre-conference registration: $149.00 USD On-site registration: $199.00 USD Saturday, September 28, 2002 Washington, D.C. Attendance is limited, so be sure to register ASAP! ______________________________________________________________________ Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in ColdFusion and related topics. FAQ: Archives: Unsubscribe: