Is Flash MX an option? You could store all of the answers locally in the flash movie,
and then have CF populate the database when the user is done with the form.

- No bandwidth or url size issues
- No database issues.

-----Original Message-----
From: Les Mizzell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 8:40 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Forms and that darned browser "BACK" button...

I've got a 10 page multipart form constructed like

FORM PAGE 1 submits to:
    Process page 1 - which writes page 1 to the database and redirects
(cflocation) to:
FORM PAGE 2 submits to:
    Process page 2 - which writes page 2 to the database and redirects
(cflocation) to...blah, blah, blah....

The user should work through all 10 pages to the end. If they do that, no

The user is given a link option on every page to save at any point in the
process and come back later to edit anything they've entered or left out,
but there's always that one guy that's going to decide to change something
right after he hits "SUBMIT" on page 4, and tries to back up to page 3 and
enter new information, which we can't let happen because the page 3 record
with his unique ID has already been written, and thusly an error is thrown.

I've been looking at ways to prevent this from happening. Am studying
various JavaScript history replace options and anything else I can find.

How do the rest of you handle this? Is there a sorta "standard" solution
that everybody uses?



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