Could folks PLEASE change the subject line when the content of a thread 
changes sufficiently?

On Wednesday, August 14, 2002, at 02:01 , Matthew Walker wrote:
> The problem with simply saying "It's a best practice: grow up" is that 
> that
> kind of philosophy is alienating for new CFers.

And, more to the point, "best practices" change all the time. And they 
change from environment to environment: what's best practice here 
(Macromedia, for a team of mostly Java/C++ developers using CFMX) is not 
necessarily going to work for you... (so, folks, stop sending me emails 
objecting to things in the published Coding Guidelines doc - just take a 
copy of it and edit it to suit your shop! *tongue-in-cheek*).

>> Using Compare/CompareNoCase instead of IS/EQ was in our company's Best
>> Practices document for quite some time. Mostly because in version 4.x it
> was
>> significantly faster.

Best Practice NEQ Performance Tip!

Many 'high performance' constructs are definitely not 'best practice' in 
terms of maintainability... Another reason why "best practice" varies so 
much between shops...

Sean A Corfield --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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