Sorry about that. One of the problems with living in the Southern
Hemisphere is that it is very difficult to follow and provide
constructive input into a thread. I wake up to a vast proliferation of
email every morning, but during my day the list is largely silent. I
never really experience the threads as threads. 

In this particular case I didn't think the thread had changed. I thought
I was talking about whether the concept of using Compare() negated the
existence of the issue regarding 33d. I was just woken up and was eating
breakfast at the time, so I may have been mistaken, as often I am at
that terrible hour. 

While best practices do change from company to company / version to
version etc, I think it's reasonable to say there is a more or less
established but unwritten set of best practice ideas circulating. My
reasoning for that is that I hear the same ideas (e.g. use <cfif x>
rather than <cfif x neq 0>) over and over.  

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, 15 August 2002 11:03 a.m.
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Best Practices (was: Re: 33 and 33d the same?
> Could folks PLEASE change the subject line when the content 
> of a thread 
> changes sufficiently?
> On Wednesday, August 14, 2002, at 02:01 , Matthew Walker wrote:
> > The problem with simply saying "It's a best practice: grow 
> up" is that 
> > that
> > kind of philosophy is alienating for new CFers.
> And, more to the point, "best practices" change all the time. 
> And they 
> change from environment to environment: what's best practice here 
> (Macromedia, for a team of mostly Java/C++ developers using 
> CFMX) is not 
> necessarily going to work for you... (so, folks, stop sending 
> me emails 
> objecting to things in the published Coding Guidelines doc - 
> just take a 
> copy of it and edit it to suit your shop! *tongue-in-cheek*).
> >> Using Compare/CompareNoCase instead of IS/EQ was in our 
> company's Best
> >> Practices document for quite some time. Mostly because in 
> version 4.x it
> > was
> >> significantly faster.
> Best Practice NEQ Performance Tip!
> Many 'high performance' constructs are definitely not 'best 
> practice' in 
> terms of maintainability... Another reason why "best 
> practice" varies so 
> much between shops...
> Sean A Corfield --
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood
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