Looks like you've reversed your query name in your cfresult...

Collin Tobin
QA Engineer

617 219 2000

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephenie Hamilton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 3:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Cfc's and undefined variable - why does one work, but not the

I am playing around with some cfc's to get a better grasp of them on

Now, one of the methods works fine (category)...one does not (getAll)...
Here is the cfc code (inventory.cfc)
<cfcomponent hint="Inventory functionality">

        <!--- list all categories --->
        <cffunction name="Category" hint="Get list of categories">
                <cfquery name="getCat" datasource="coldfusionwebscom">
                SELECT *
                FROM Category
                <cfreturn getCat> 
        <!--- get all in inventory table --->
        <cffunction name="getAll" access="remote">
                <Cfquery name="allInv" datasource="coldfusionwebscom">
                SELECT *
                FROM Inventory          
                <cfreturn invAll>


Here are the calls to the methods
Get the cateogries (category):<br><br><br>
<cfinvoke component="Inventory" method="Category" returnvariable="cat">
<cfdump var= #cat#>

get all inventory (getall):<br>
<cfinvoke component="Inventory" method="getAll"
returnvariable="InvResult"> <cfdump var= #InvResult#>


The category method works fine, shows me all the categories... The
getAll does not. It says Error Occurred While Processing Request  
Variable INVALL is undefined.  

You can see this here:


What is up with this? They are called the same exact way...the query
allINV is returning 212 records..... Any ideas?

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