Please, someone start a CF newsgroup. (anyone know how that's done?) It would much 
easier to sift
through messages than this list. I love the info I can get on this list, but the 
reliability lately
is terrible. I posted a message a few days ago.... never saw it. Who knows if this 
will make it or
if it will post several times over the next week....

Chris Giminez
Owner - Cyber Scriber Web Site Design
ICQ# 2628000

> Newsgroups?
> As in, 'why aren't there any ColdFusion...'?
> There could be a whole Allaire group in the comp.* heirarchy...
> comp.lang.ColdFusion.server.linux
> (etc.)
> ...I'd personally prefer to start 'em in the alt.* heirarchy, but let's not
> go there...
> ...Anyway, I was just wondering if this was something that someone had tried
> that Allaire smacked down, or if there's really so few people that access
> Usenet anymore that no one bothered...
> Brandon Whitaker

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