I need to run a query to provide data for a verity search.

I need to use a few tables so information can be provided in the body of the
verity collection to make it searchable.

Here's my query.

<CFQUERY NAME="contractor_query" DATASOURCE="scbuild">
SELECT    DISTINCT contractors.company_name, contractors.*, license_types.*,
FROM         contractors, license_types, lic_tie
WHERE       contractors.contractor_id = lic_tie.cont_id AND
                   lic_tie.lic_id = license_types.id

ORDER BY  contractors.company_name DESC
Most contractors have just one license type, and it works just fine.
The problem I am having is that when a contractor has more than one license
type, duplicates are returned. Distinct isn't working and I think it would
be problem if it did since only one license description (with keywords I
need searchable by verity) would show up.

This is an Access database.

If it weren't for the need to provide this to Verity, I could split this
into separate queries just for display purposes.

If I can't fix this query, can I eliminate duplicates in Verity somehow or
in the results of a search using CF?


Chris Giminez
Owner - Cyber Scriber Web Site Design
ICQ# 2628000

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