Hi all,

I'm presuming the list is back in action. Basically I've got a question
about outputting to a .doc or .rtf file a fairly straightforward report.

I know I can use
<CFCONTENT TYPE="application/msword">
<CFHEADER NAME="content-disposition" VALUE="filename=File.DOC">

Like Eron mentioned, but what do I need to do with the actual template file?
Just insert my CF variables as if in a cfm template?

Any help appreciated,

Dave Wilson
Internet Technology Manager,
BizNet Solutions

<Allaire Premier Partner>
Co-Founder CFUG Ireland

224, Lisburn Road
Belfast BT9 6GE

Tel: 02890 225 776
Fax: 02890 223 223
web: http://www.biznet-solutions.com


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