I tested some <CFStoredProc> stuff calling it multiple times and calling the
stored procedure multiple times with a CALL{ } Statement. <CFStoredProc>
ran slower about 100-200 milliseconds... I dont see a reason to use
unless u are returning more than 3-5 resultsets at a time..

Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer

-----Original Message-----
From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 5:21 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: <cfstoredproc> and CF MX

I knew there were reasons I had avoided using <cfstoredproc> prior to
ColdFusion MX ...

So with the advent of MX and not wanting to force my clients / customers to
use the odbc bridge drivers, I decided to convert all of my "exec sp_myproc"
syntax in <cfquery> tags to <cfstoredproc> tags and after pounding my head
for about an hour trying to figure out why a given procedure didn't work, I
came accross 1 ( count them, ONE ) obscure reference on an obscure forum
that mentions that the order of the <cfprocparam> tags must be the same as
the order of the parameters as defined in the stored procedure.

Also, although the documentation for <cfprocparam> says the attribute
null="" takes a boolean, yes/no value, it does not -- it takes no value and
passes null regardless of any value given.

Does anyone know if either or both of these are still true in CFMX?

Or if either of them are MSSQL specific and if so why?

Not that it will matter much if I hope to continue to support CF5, but it's
really annoying and frustrating to have to do this all the time:

<cfif yesnoformat(attributes.myattribute)>
        <cfprocparam type="in" dbvarname="myparam"
        <cfprocparam type="in" dbvarname="myparam"
        null cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">

Instead of simply using either a <cfif> statement (and allowing the
procedure to use a default value) OR a null attribute, ie:

<cfif ...>


<cfprocparam ... null="#isnull#">


Isaac Dealey
Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer

New Epoch

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