You forgot you # signs...

> <cfmail subject="queryemail.tblemails_subject"
>   to="queryemail.tblemails_to" 
>   from="queryemail.tblemails_from" 

should be

> <cfmail subject="#queryemail.tblemails_subject#"
>   to="#queryemail.tblemails_to#" 
>   from="#queryemail.tblemails_from#" 

Not a CFC issue - just a syntax issue.

Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Hire

Yahoo IM : cfjedimaster

"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ali Daniali [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 8:52 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: CFC newbie question
> After hearing about CFCs and reading about CFCs I have finally decided
> to write my first CFC. But I'm not sure if I have this whole 
> CFC concept
> figured out. Below is my first CFC. I have not been able to get it to
> work and was wondering if someone might be able to give me some help.
> Basically I have a database table with a whole bunch of 
> emails that can
> be sent during a particular online application. Instead of embedding
> CFMAIL one after another in my code I wanted to separate it 
> all...enter
> CFCs...right?
> So I evoke this CFC passing an email ID argument to the the
> looks it up the email ID in the database and zap...its
> supposed to send the right here it is....what am I doing
> wrong?
> Thank you in advance....
> <CFCOMPONENT hint="Database Driven Email Processing">
>  <CFFUNCTION name="sendMail" access="private" returntype="binary"
> hint="Process Emails">
>   <CFARGUMENT name="emailID" type="numeric" required="true" 
> hint="ID of
> Email to send">   
> <cftry>
>   <CFQUERY name="queryemail" datasource="dbEP3">
>    SELECT *
>    FROM tblemails
>    WHERE tblemails_ID = ARGUMENTS.emailID
>   </CFQUERY>
> <cfmail subject="queryemail.tblemails_subject"
>   to="queryemail.tblemails_to" 
>   from="queryemail.tblemails_from" 
>   cc="queryemail.tblemails_cc" 
>   bcc="queryemail.tblemails_bcc" 
>   query="queryemail.tblemails_query1" 
>   server="queryemail.tblemails_server" 
>   type="queryemail.tblemails_type">
> #queryemail.tblemails_message1##queryemail.tblemails_message2#
> </cfmail>
> <CFCATCH type="database"><cfset success = False><CFRETURN
> success></CFCATCH>
> <CFCATCh type="any"><cfset success = False><CFRETURN 
> success></CFCATCh>
> </cftry>
>   <cfset success = True>
>   <CFRETURN success>
> Best Regards,
> Ali Daniali
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Ali Daniali
> Director, Development and Programming
> TransACT Communications, Inc.
> 8423 Mukilteo Speedway, Suite 100
> Mukilteo, WA 98275
> Tel: 425.977.2117
> FAX: 425.977.2080
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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