Hi There !!
Whats the hardware config ? Try the options given below, u may get
performance change ....

1. Remove all unused mappings from the IIS server except .cfm & .dbm.
2. Rerfer to the recommendations given by allaire for better performance :

Below are some general recommendations for tuning a few commonly encountered
environments. As general recommendations, the settings below should be
tested and tuned specifically for your application and environment. Consider
these good tuning starting points, and be sure never to apply settings to a
production environment before the site has been thoroughly testing with the
settings in place.

Windows NT 4.0

General OS Settings

For Windows NT 4.0 servers, set Windows NT Server to Application Server:
On the desktop, right-click Network Neighborhood and select Properties. On
the Services tab, double-click the Server service. Select Network
Applications. The Application Server setting also instructs Windows NT to
trim the file cache more aggressively.

Ensure all unused IIS file mappings are removed:
Using the Microsoft Management Console, navigate to the Web sites (virtual
servers) under the IIS snap-in. Right-click Default Web Site, and/or any
other Web site(s) where your content exists and select properties. Select
the Home Directory property sheet. Click the Configuration button under the
Application Settings section. Remove all unused mappings, leaving at least
one mapping in place (the server requires at least one mapping). Leave the
".CFM" extension in place if no other mappings are being used.

Disable performance boost for foreground applications:
Open the Control Panel. Double-click the System icon, and select the
Performance property sheet. Move the Application Performance slider to None.

In HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TCPIP\Parameters, set the
following DWORD values (add if not already there):
DWORD MaxUserPort and set to 0xfffe
DWORD TcpWindowSize and set to 65535
DWORD MaxFreeTcbs and set to 72000
DWORD MaxHashTableSize and set to 65536
DWORD TcpTimedWaitDelay and set to 60
Set receive buffers for the Network Interface Card (NIC) to maximum:
Dropped packets on the receiving end cause TCP (Transmission Control
Protocol) to retransmit. This minimizes the number of dropped packets on the
receiving end, thus increasing performance. See the documentation for your
NIC for details. This parameter can often be set using the properties of the
NIC under the Network Control Panel. It also couldn't hurt to set the NIC
speed to 100 MBit (default is usually "auto").

Disable any services not absolutely required for machine operation (i.e.
SMTP, FTP, MSDTC, Browser services, Spooler, etc.) using the Services
section of theWindows NT Control Panel. Highly tuned and secure sites can
usually get the number of required services down to under 20.

Remove the Page Files, defragment the drives and recreate the Page Files to
ensure contiguous disk space is used for virtual memory.

For multiple NIC machines, used the Microsoft Affinity tool to bind one NIC
to each CPU.

If using 1GB of RAM, set maxmem=1024 in boot.ini
Microsoft Internet Information Server Settings

Minimize IIS logging and/or use striped partition:
It is desirable to log only data required for weblog trend analysis. Logging
to a striped partition with a controller that allows write-back caching,
especially if you see heavy use on the log disk can also be beneficial.

Using the Microsoft Management Console, navigate to the Web sites (virtual
servers) under the IIS snap-in. Right-click Default Web Site, and/or any
other Web site(s) where your content exists and select Properties. Select
the Web Site property sheet. Click the Properties button under the logging
section. The path should be mapped to a striped partition.

In HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo\Parameters, set the
following values (add if not already there):

DWORD ListenBackLog set to 250
DWORD AcceptExOutstanding set to 64
DWORD MinFileKBSec set to 100
DWORD MaxPoolThreads set to 30
DWORD ObjectCacheTTL set to 0xFFFFFFFF
DWORD OpenFileInCache set to 0x5000
DWORD MemoryCacheSize set to 4194304

For IIS 4.0, (particularly for very busy sites), set ServerListenBacklog and
Note that tehse commands can dramaticaly increase the memory footprint of a
very busy IIS 4.0 server to approximately 90+MB, but will allow the web
server to service a very busy web site without dropping or refusing client
connections. To set, run the following commands:

cscript c:\winnt\system32\inetsrv\adminsamples\adsutil.vbs SET
w3svc/1/ServerListenBacklog 10000

cscript c:\winnt\system32\inetsrv\adminsamples\adsutil.vbs SET
w3svc/1/MaxEndPointConnections 10000

Consider increasing IIS 4.0 LogFileBatchSize to cut down on disk I/O. To
In HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo\Parameters, set the
following value (add if not already there):

DWORD LogFileBatchSize set to 0x00040000

This specifies the batch size for writing log files. The server caches the
last LogFileBatchSize bytes of data in memory buffers before it dumps the
current buffer and moves onto the next buffer. Such batch processing reduces
the amount of disk traffic created by log files. However, if a site is
interested in getting the current-up-to-date log records flushed to disk,
the batch size can be reduced. The value range for this setting is 0 -
0xFFFFFFFF, and the default is 64*1024 (64KB) or 0x00010000. Consider
increasing this value to 256*1024 (256KB) or 0x00040000.

In IIS Manager:

Set IIS Performance set to handle over 100,000 hits per day
Removed all IIS mappings except .CFM
Set Logging - "Next Log Time Period" = "When file size reaches 100 MB"
Remove all unnecessary ISAPI filters

We also recommend that users place their webserver root directory and all
swap space on a separate physical disk from the core OS and other system
files if at all possible. If not, place on separate partitions on the same
disk. This will decrease system file-swapping problems on the main drive,
helping performance and stability.


ColdFusion ClusterCATS Settings

The registry settings which control CFAS load reporting are listed below. It
is recommended to set LoadRate to 1, which causes ColdFusion to report load
to BrightTiger ClusterCATS every second, reducing the lag time between when
load is experienced and when load is reported. In

LoadTraceFile - 0 or 1
LoadSamples - 5 is default
LoadRate - 2 is default
LoadConstant - 50 is default

3. Move pagefile from system partition to boot partition.

Try out the above settings, it will definately improve cf4.5 performance.


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