
I'll take a look at your issue and get back to you...

Collin Tobin
QA Engineer
617 219 2000

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Polickoski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 2:14 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: <cfchart labelformat="date">

Hello all,

I am curious.  I have seen numerous responses on just about every post but mine, which 
I have posted twice.  Did I violate a protocol?  Or is this just an unsolvable issue?  
I have been beating my head against the wall on this issue for 2 weeks.  Should I 
abandon ship and look for another way of doing this?  OR have I found a bug?  Some 
feedback would be helpful.

Thank you,

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Robert Polickoski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Thu,  5 Sep 2002 12:28:26 +0600

>Hello all,
>I am running CFMX on WindowsXP Pro using the CF built in web server.
>I have a problem with label formatting in a chart.  I am trying to produce a Gantt 
>Chart.  I want my Y axis labels to be dates within a specified range.  I have set 
>them to the range and the labelformat attribute to date, but all the labels show up 
>as 12/31/69.  I have tried adding an offset thinking it was an epoch date issue 
>without any difference in result.  When I switch the labelformat to number, the 
>values are valid date serial values.  How do I get dates to show up as Y Axis labels?
>The pertinent portion of the code follows.
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
><cfset StartDate = CreateDate(2002, 1, 1)>
><cfset EndDate = CreateDate(2002, 12, 31)>
><cfset NoWeeks = DateDiff("w", StartDate, EndDate)>
><cfchart format="flash" scalefrom="#StartDate#" scaleto="#EndDate#" 
>gridlines="#NoWeeks + 1#" seriesplacement="stacked" showxgridlines="no" 
>showygridlines="yes" showborder="yes" fontbold="no" fontitalic="no" 
>labelformat="number" yaxistitle="Duration" show3d="no" rotated="yes" sortxaxis="no" 
>showlegend="no" showmarkers="yes" chartheight="400" chartwidth="1400" 
>Robert J. Polickoski, CNA
>Lead Programmer
>(540) 842-6339
>AIM: RobertJFP
>Windows Messenger: RPolickoski

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