I think

change "Theme" to 'Theme'


At 12:43 pm 11/09/2002 , you wrote:
>Arg.....The SQL works fine in ACCESS, but when I copy to CF5.0, I get an
>error.  Any thoughts???
>    <cfquery name="qryGetGroups" datasource="#strDSN#" dbtype="ODBC">
>     SELECT DISTINCTROW ItemGroups.strItemGroupName,
>     FROM (GroupTypeCodes INNER JOIN ItemGroups ON
>GroupTypeCodes.GroupTypeCodes_PK = ItemGroups.intGroupTypeCodes_PK) INNER
>JOIN GroupedItems ON ItemGroups.intItemGroup_PK = GroupedItems.ItemGroup_PK
>     WHERE (((GroupTypeCodes.GroupTypeName)="Theme"))
>     ORDER BY (ItemGroups.strItemGroupName)
>    </cfquery>
>Results in
>[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.
>Hint: The cause of this error is usually that your query contains a
>reference to a field which does not exist. You should verify that the fields
>included in your query exist and that you have specified their names
>SQL = "SELECT DISTINCTROW ItemGroups.strItemGroupName,
>ItemGroups.strItemGroupDesc FROM (GroupTypeCodes INNER JOIN ItemGroups ON
>GroupTypeCodes.GroupTypeCodes_PK = ItemGroups.intGroupTypeCodes_PK) INNER
>JOIN GroupedItems ON ItemGroups.intItemGroup_PK = GroupedItems.ItemGroup_PK
>WHERE (((GroupTypeCodes.GroupTypeName)="Theme")) ORDER BY
>Data Source = "OMGV2"
>ODBC Error Code = 07001 (Wrong number of parameters)
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