Same here. It's exactly the same as the full version except that it's got a
2G size limit per database.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Angel Stewart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 10:36 AM
Subject: RE: Going crazy! Dates acting insane..AIIIEEE!

> Ok...maybe I didn't explain this properly.
> Basically, I have set a variable to a date:
> <!--- DEBUG CODE --->
> <CFSET STARTDATE = #CreateODBCDate('9/01/2002')#>
> <CFSET ENDDATE = #CreateODBCDate('9/30/2002')#>
> <CFSET client.empid = 1>
> <!--- DEBUG CODE --->
> I output the variable startdate and I get : {d '2002-09-01'}
> Then I set another variable, to the startdate.
> <CFSET TheDate = StartDate>
> Now..when I output this date, in the line directly BENEATH this
> statement above, I get 2002-09-08 00:00:00
> How did it suddenly jump forward by 7 days???
> I have NO other manipulations of the startdate variable in between these
> statements.
> What am I doing wrong???
> -Gel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 9:58 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Going crazy! Dates acting insane..AIIIEEE!
> <!--- DEBUG CODE --->
> <CFSET STARTDATE = #CreateODBCDate('9/01/2002')#>
> <CFSET ENDDATE = #CreateODBCDate('9/30/2002')#>
> <CFSET client.empid = 1>
> <!--- DEBUG CODE --->
> <td><CFOUTPUT>#startdate#</CFOUTPUT></td> [This CFOUTPUT shows : {d
> '2002-09-01'} ]
> </tr>
> <CFSET TheDate = StartDate><!--- Set variable to the startdate
> ---><strong></strong>
> <CFLOOP query="GetClients">
> <CFSET TheDate = StartDate>
> <tr><td><CFOUTPUT>#TheDate#</CFOUTPUT></td></tr> [BUT
> THIS CFOUTPUT shows: 2002-09-08 00:00:00]
> <td> <CFOUTPUT>#GetClients.offtime#</CFOUTPUT></td>
> <cfloop Condition = "#TheDate# LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO
> #EndDate#"><!--- Create a loop to loop over the days from the startdate
> to the enddate which should cover an entire month --->
> <CFQUERY name="GetHours"
> datasource="#DSN#">
> tblMaster,tblDetails
> WHERE tblMaster.ClientID =
> '#GetClients.ClientID#'
> AND tblDetails.RecordDate =
> #CreateODBCDate(TheDate)#
> AND tblMaster.empid =
> #client.empid#
> AND tblMaster.MasterID =
> tblDetails.MasterID
> <td class="SnowDataTD"><CFIF
> #GetHours.RecordHours# GT 0 ><cfoutput>#GETHOURS.RECORDHOURS#</cfoutput>
> <CFELSE> &nbsp </CFIF> </td>
> <CFSET TheDate =
> DateAdd("d",TheDate,1)><!--- Increment date value by one --->
> </CFLOOP><!--- Date Loop --->
> <td
> class="SnowFieldCaptionTD"><CFOUTPUT>#GetClients.clientid#</CFOUTPUT></t
> d>
>   <td
> class="SnowFieldCaptionTD"><CFOUTPUT>#GetClients.hoursworked#</CFOUTPUT>
> </td>
>       <td
> class="SnowFieldCaptionTD"><CFOUTPUT>#GetClients.hoursbilled#</CFOUTPUT>
> </td>
>       <td
> class="SnowFieldCaptionTD"><CFOUTPUT>#GetClients.jobno#</CFOUTPUT></td>
>   <!--- <td class="SnowFieldCaptionTD"><b>Acct Group</b></td>
> --->
>   </tr>
> <!---<CFSET TheDate = #CreateODBCDate('9/01/2002')#> Set
> variable to the startdate --->
> <strong></strong>
> </CFLOOP><!--- Clients Query --->
> How the HELLS did it jump forward 7 days!!??
> I am not changing the date ANYWHERE...
> And I just don't understand what is happening...I'm tearing my hair out
> and its already short and Im really starting to mess up my scalp.
> Any ideas??
> Yes yes yes I know I can use an Index loop instead of the
> conditional..I'll fix all those little things I suppose..but before I do
> that I need to figure out why my dates are suddenly gaining days!! :-\
> ARrrrrRRGGHH! What stupid thing am I doing now? :-(
> -Gel
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