You could do it in SQL Server with a stored procedure and a cursor, although
all things considered, it's probably faster and easier to do it in cf...
I've thought about or wanted to do this myself on a number of occasions, but
never been able to find a way to do it that wasn't way more effort than it
was worth...

> Is it possible to join two tables, and have a list of keys returned from
> one
> of the tables as a column of a recordset?

> tblOnePK      |       name
> 1             |       threeFriends

> tableTwoPK    |       tblOneFK
> 1             |       1
> 2             |       1
> 3             |       1

> And the record set should be:

> tblOnePK      |       name            |       listOfKeys
> 1             |       threeFriends|   1,2,3

> Make sense?

> I could do it programmatically in CF, but would like to pull this in one
> query and avoid a recordset/requery loop.  Also, can't use a stored proc,
> unfortunately.

> Thanks for any help.

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