I was running Developer version with Default web server on the same box 
as my browser, mail, editor and apache web server  (for Tomcat), MySQL, 
PointBase, PostgresSQL, SyBase db servers  --- so I have a lot of other 
stuff going on on the same box.

I saw jsp times from 28-136 ms, but most often it was in the 40-50 ms 

I know that you can't use getTickCount() as an exact time but it should 
be valid for comparison.


On Tuesday, September 17, 2002, at 08:07 AM, Joe Eugene wrote:

> Dick,
>       CFMX Enterprise was showing the below results for me
>       Jsp=20ms
>       Cfm=3064ms
>       consistently. Increasing the loops *Jsp* seemed to perform well..
>       Cfm started to die off.
>       I happen to notice one abnormal behaviour as well for *.cfm
>       loops=1000000
>       for(x=1;x lte loops;x=x+1)
>       If you reference the variable like "x lte loops" ,CFMX takes a hefty
>       8903ms to run the code. I have no idea.. why this is happening.
>       Anyways.. i think it comes down to the fact that the CFMX compiler
>       needs to produce more optimized Serlvet/bytecode.
>       I wonder how the CFMX compiler transforms *.cfm into servlet code?
>       Does CFMX actually change CFM Code to *Strong type*(int, String, 
> double
> etc)?
>       if this is the case...we shouldnt see the huge performance difference.
> Joe
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 8:27 AM
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: Re: FW: Jsp Vs Cfm (CFMX) -- Test Code
>> Joe
>> I didn't try the code, at first,  because I can't run jsp under CFMX 
>> on
>> the Mac.
>> After your email I tried the comparison using jsp under Tomcat
>> jwsdp-1_0-ea2.
>> The results I got are significant.
>> The cfm program consistently takes more than 40-80 times longer to run
>> than the jsp program (under Tomcat), for example:
>>      cfm:  4110 ms
>>      jsp:       50 ms
>> I fiddled with the program to make sure the actual loop was as similar
>> as possible and that nothing but the loop was within the timing -- no
>> significant affect.
>> I tried longer loops with similar results.
>> I changed the test to lt (<) instead of lte (<=), similar results.
>> I changed the jsp increment x++ to match cfm's x=x+1 -- similar 
>> results.
>> On Mac OS X both Tomcat and CFMX/JRun use the same underlying (Mac OS
>> X) JVM (not the one installed with CFMX).
>> The problem appears to be whatever CFMX uses to generate a Java
>> program, is doing it (at least this loop) very inefficiently.
>> Anyone else have any ideas?
>> Dick
>>> In reply to my Original Post for anybody interested in the Test code
>>> Jsp code implemented in a Java class compiled with J2SE(JDK 1.4.1 RC)
>>> produced the
>>> same results as CFMX Jsp code.
>>> <!--- Jsp Code, cut and paste in a *.jsp file. This is for CFMX
>>> Enterprise --->
>>> <%
>>>   long loops=1000000,sTime=0,eTime=0,r=0;
>>>   double i=0;
>>>   out.println(loops +" Loops<br>");
>>>   sTime=System.currentTimeMillis();
>>>   out.println(+sTime+"ms Start Time<br>");
>>>   for(long x=1;x<=loops;x++){
>>>    r=r+x;
>>>  }
>>>   eTime=System.currentTimeMillis();
>>>   out.println(r+" Result<br>");
>>>   out.println(eTime+"ms End Time<br>");
>>>   out.println((eTime-sTime)+"ms Execution Time<br>");
>>>   i=(eTime-sTime)/1000;
>>>   out.println(i+"seconds");
>>> %>
>>> <!-- Cfm Code, "loops" var in the for statement took more than double
>>> the
>>> time to run, i am not sure why? -->
>>> <cfscript>
>>> loops=1000000;z=0;
>>> writeOutput(loops & " Loops<br>");
>>> sTime=GetTickCount();
>>> writeOutput(sTime & "ms Start Time<br>");
>>> for(x=1;x lte 1000000;x=x+1)/*<=loops takes more than double the 
>>> time*/
>>>  {z=z+x;}
>>> eTime=GetTickCount();
>>> writeOutput(z & " Result<br>");
>>> writeOutput(eTime & "ms End Time<br>");
>>> writeOutput(eTime-sTime&"ms Execution Time<br>");
>>> writeOutput((eTime-sTime)/1000&"seconds");
>>> </cfscript>
>>> Joe Eugene
>>> Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
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