You should be able to do it with cfobject and the JDBC drivers using 
metadata.  something like:

   url  = "jdbc:pointbase:cfsnippets,database.home=/opt/coldfusionmx/db";
   user = "PBPUBLIC";
   pass = "PBPUBLIC";
   foo  = CreateObject("java","com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver");
   con  = foo.getConnection(url, user, pass);
   dbmd = con.getMetaData( );
   allTables = dbmd.getTables(null,null,null,tableTypes);



The problem is that CF has no concept of a null value, so you can't 
pass a null in the statement:

     allTables = dbmd.getTables(null,null,null,tableTypes);

And, if you are restricted to CFMX only, you are SOL!


On Thursday, September 19, 2002, at 07:09 AM, Joshua Miller wrote:

> Ok, Ben's article in the new CFDJ has me thinking - there's a way to
> display all the DSN connections using CFML and CFOBJECT, but is there a
> way to display all the table names for a specific DSN? I'd like to 
> write
> a web-based version of the Studio DSN browser and that's the missing
> link. I can do it using SQL Meta Data, but that's RDBMS specific, is
> there a way to do it with CFML and CFOBJECT?
> Thanks,
> Joshua Miller

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