I am having a problem with CFHTTP.  Basically, I have one file (test.cfm)
that does a CFHTTP (with one CFHTTPPARAM of type FORMFIELD) to a second file

If the test_target.cfm file is in a publicly accessible directory, it works
just fine.  

If the test_target.cfm is in a password protected directory, it duplicates
the formfield params, which of course causes me problems.  We could
workaround it, but I am really hoping that this is a known issue that has a

Anyone have a clue?  I searched the Forums and found nothing.  Here are the

CF Server 4.5.1 running on NT SP5 and IIS 4.  
The private directory is set for Basic Authentication only (using NT

test_target.cfm - just prints the field names out with their values it is in
both the public and private directories for testing purposes.
     <cfloop list="#form.fieldnames#" index="ii">
           #ii# : #evaluate('form.#ii#')#<br>

test.cfm - public version - source - works
<cfhttp url="http://whatever/public/test_target.cfm" method="POST"
     <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="myfield" value="myvalue">

test.cfm - public version - results
MYFIELD : myvalue

test.cfm - private version - source - returns duplicate fields and values,
have also performed the same test with the target file as an asp file, same
result.  It seems to be sending the parameters twice.
<cfhttp url="http://whatever/private/test_target.cfm" method="POST"
port="80" username="whatever" password="whatever">
     <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="myfield" value="myvalue">

test.cfm - private version - results
MYFIELD : myvalue,myvalue
MYFIELD : myvalue,myvalue

Bruce A. Kibbey, USI
Systems Administrator, IMD Web Team

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