You're explaining yourself just fine.  No worries.

Basically, you're looking at some conditional logic a few queries.
Something like this:

1) Query DB for currently active items, sort by ID.
2) Discard the 1st record and store the ID of the 2nd.
3) Update DB to make currently active item inactive.
4) Query DB for all items greater than stored value that are approved, sort
by ID.
5) a) If RecordCount >= 2, grab 1st 2 values and ignore others.
   b) Else, query DB for all approved items, sort by ID.  Grab 1st 1 or 2
      depending on how many you got from the previous query.
6) Update DB to set these 2 values to active.

Note that in the 5b, you're getting all approved items, not just those less
than the last 2 approved items.  This is just in case you only have to items
that are currently approved.

Mosh Teitelbaum
evoch, LLC
Tel: (301) 625-9191
Fax: (301) 933-3651

> -----Original Message-----
> From: W Luke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 12:08 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Finding next 2 items in query
> > ----------------------
> > ID* - Active - Approved
> > ----------------------
> > 12  - No     - Yes
> > 23  - No     - No
> > 24  - No     - Yes
> > 29  - Yes     - Yes
> > 32  - Yes     - Yes
> > 33  - No     - Yes
> > 40  - No     - No
> > I think you'll have to fill us in on why 33, and 12 "meet the
> > criteria"
> Because they're the "next" records in the table WHERE Approved = Yes AND
> active = No.  40 has to be ignored because Approved = No.
> I know how to find all records that are "approved," or "active," or
> whatever - but I don't see how I can get the "next 2."  A friend
> suggested doing something like WHERE ID > #previousID# - only problem
> with this is if the CURRENT ID was 40 (as per the table above), it
> wouldn't pickup on 12 which is the logical next record.
> Sorry, I'm not explaining myself properly here at all - if anyone has
> any other ideas they'd be much appreciated
> Will
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